Tao - The Panda
These black and white bears inhabit the bamboo trees of the mountain ranges of Eluan. Few in number and mysterious in the wild, they are very social and friendly with people they know. The tao are intelligent and love grabbing stuff and tinkering around with it. These bears can adapt to urban life, although feeding them is a constant struggle, for they are always hungry. It is very rare to find them outside the mountains, where they spend their time playing and eating. Unlike its cousin the izzy, the tao is not aggressive nor is it carnivorous but it shows great fero- city if its companion is attacked.
The tao play a pivotal role in the defense and upkeep of the bamboo forests of Eluan. These forests have mostly remained unchanged since the First Age and have been spared many of the cataclysms that have struck the rest of Eluan for millennia. The reason for this is the tao, whose bamboo droppings refresh the ground and make taller bamboos come out each time.
Tao - The Panda is created by Cast 'n Play and suitable for any table top rpg or wargame.
Looking for some models in the same set check Cornelia's Companions collection.
Tao - The Panda
- Name: Tao - The Panda
- Set: Cast 'n Play
- Scale: 32mm
- Resolution: 0.03mm (3 Microns)
- Material: Photopolymer Resin
- Color: Gray
- Base: Included as pictured in the image
- Model Creator: Cornelia's Companions